Current Projects

As an economic and community development organization, FLS has a vision of showcasing the most unique and special elements of Vietnamese culture in Seattle. Many projects are focused on ways to make Little Saigon a beautiful, safe, and exciting place to live and visit. Check out some of the things we’re doing now!

Little Saigon Park: working with the Seattle Parks Department to acquire property for a park in Little Saigon.

Little Saigon Street Signage: heading the project, InterIm CDA is working with the different communities within the Chinatown/ID to come up with designs for signage and way finding. Little Saigon has come together with different community stakeholders to design a process that will represent the Vietnamese community.

Neighborhood Business Watch: is a community crime prevention program aimed at business owners and employees to be proactive in public safety. This is a pilot program that will help small businesses look out for one another.

Yesler Terrace Redevelopment: addressing concerns of the community within Yesler Terrace and the surrounding neighborhoods, Yesler Terrace redevelopment has sparked collaboration amongst different organizations around the area. FLS has been an active participant in addressing many of the different concerns.

Little Saigon Landmark: a project that came out of the Little Saigon 2020: Vision and Action Plan. Addressing some of the community’s priorities from the plan, this project proposes to build a community landmark that is a multi-use complex with a Vietnamese cultural center, retail and commercial space, and affordable housing.

Little Saigon Placemaking: working with SCIDpda, Department of Planning and Development (DPD), and the UW Dept. of Landscape Architecture, community members are gathering together to define neighborhood assets and needs in relation to neighborhood identity, urban planning, parking, and economic development.

For more details, stroll to individual projects on the current projects tab.

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